Guidelines and Conditions for Using Our Services

Welcome to our Terms of Use, outlining the rules and service terms for using our coliving platform. These guidelines are essential for a smooth experience for all users. By accessing our services, you agree to comply with the outlined terms.

Our guidelines cover user conduct and responsibilities. Adhering to these service terms helps maintain a respectful and enjoyable environment for everyone involved, particularly for those seeking coliving options.

Please familiarize yourself with these conditions to enhance your experience. Understanding these rules ensures positive interactions within our community, benefiting all users.

You must read and understand the legal information below that governs the usage policy of the platform, website and its services

Edited on 07/08/2024

Definition of terms:

The word (OONO) designates the owners, managers, partners and employees of the site and/or its services mentioned below, as well as its offices and all its different systems and devices, electronic and non-electronic, and all its properties.

The words (platform, site, website) designate

The words (service, services, its services) belong exclusively to the site or its services mentioned in the line above.

Presentation of the platform and how it works:

1- Definition of the platform: is an online platform for comprehensive classified ads, for all forms of shared accommodation, shared living and free accommodation in exchange for services in France, which allows direct communication between advertisers and roommates or candidates, free or paid, and accessible to everyone on all communication devices from computers, tablets and mobile phones.

2- The platform works as follows:

Search by user:

The browser can search for what he wants to rent or share among the properties via a search engine with many options that allow him to achieve his goal quickly and with great precision by choosing the geographical location, the nature of the property or service and its general and detailed condition in less than a minute.


Before advertising a property or service, the advertiser must register his information in addition to his contact details to be able to advertise on the platform later. Before managing his account to avoid any misuse of the platform or violation of the terms or conditions by the advertiser.

All advertisements on the website platform are free and become paid if the advertiser chooses to excel in his advertising by placing it at the top of the list of advertisements or in the advertising banners within the pages.

The entity responsible for the site and its relationship with it:


OONO EI, with SIRET number: 91755724100036, is the owner of the platform, which holds all the official licenses required in France.

The institution's relationship with the platform:

1- Manage classified employees and supervise their work.

2- Follow the permanent development and updating of the platform and communicate with developpers.

3- Manage the marketing of the platform throughout France.

4- Serve paid advertising customers and collect fees, in addition to serving all users of the platform.

5- Continuous monitoring of legislation to ensure that the platform operates under the conditions and specifications followed in France.

Rights, responsibilities and user protection mechanisms:

User rights:

1- Any Internet user can advertise any good or service authorized by the laws in force, and he also has the right to upload photos of his personal profile to his account within the platform to comfort other users of the site.

2- Any user has the right to browse the platform without any obstacle and to comment, within the framework authorized by the user responsibilities clause, and to give a rating of one to five stars to the goods and services that contain this functionality to increase transparency and the spirit of competition between advertisers in order to increase quality and lower rents.

3- Any person, including individuals, organizations and companies, has the right to register on the platform to open their own account that allows them, in addition to browsing ads, to add their ads and obtain other future features.

4- The user registered on the platform has the right, by clicking on the icon (report offensive content), to report to the classifieds administration any content advertising offensive to morality, religious beliefs, society or morals, and the administration will remove it from the site and prohibit its owner from using the platform.

5- For the category of advertisers of users, the right to choose to place their ads for free or for a specific fee that allows them to publish their ads in certain positions within the pages of the platform that guarantee them more visibility and distinction compared to free ads.

Notice of claims of infringement:

If you are an intellectual property rights owner or an agent fully authorized to act on behalf of the intellectual property rights owner and you believe that any content or other content violates your intellectual property rights or the intellectual property rights of the owner on whose behalf you are authorized to act, you may submit a notice to us with any request to remove the associated content in good faith. The notice and request must contain the following information:

1- An electronic or physical signature of any person authorized to act on behalf of the owner of an exclusive right that is allegedly infringed.

2- Identification of the intellectual property rights claimed to have been infringed, or a representative list of such works on this application if multiple intellectual property rights on a single online application are covered by a single notification.

3- Identification of the material (by data link, communications, advertisement identification, etc.) that is claimed to be infringing or to be the subject of infringing activity and that is to be removed or access to which is to be disabled, and information reasonably sufficient to permit to locate the material.

4- Information reasonably sufficient to permit to contact you, such as an address, telephone number, and email address.

5- A statement that you have a good faith belief that use of the material in the manner complained of is not authorized by the intellectual property owner, its agent, or the law.

6- A statement that the intellectual property owner releases the site from any third-party claim relating to the site's removal of the material in question.

7- A statement that the information in the notification is accurate and under penalty of perjury, that you are authorized to act on behalf of the owner of an exclusive right that is allegedly infringed.

Notices should be sent to:

User Responsibilities:

Law regulating communication on the network and the fight against computer crime:

The user of the website platform agrees to comply with all provisions of French law and to assume full responsibility in the event of a violation of any of the provisions of these laws.

Possibility of accepting the terms of use: is accessible to everyone, and you acknowledge having the capacity to contract in accordance with the laws in force. If you use-access this website and its services as a representative of a person-entity, you declare that you are legally authorized to represent this person-entity, and that you are fully able and competent to accept the terms, conditions, commitments, assurances, representations and guarantees contained in these conditions and the respect and adherence to these conditions.

Accept the conditions of use of the platform:

The website and its services are provided to you in accordance with these conditions of use. By accessing the website and using its services, you acknowledge that you have read and understood these Terms and agree to be bound by them. For these Terms and wherever the context so requires, the term "you" refers to any person who uses the website or its services in any way, including persons who browse content, post comments or any content, or respond to advertisements or any content on the Site.

By accessing and/or using the website and/or its services, you agree to be bound by these Terms. In addition, when using any part of its services, you agree to comply with all applicable posted guidelines for such services, which may change or be updated from time to time at the sole discretion of the admin.

You are solely responsible for periodically reviewing these Terms. If you object to any term of these Terms, any of the guidelines or any subsequent modifications thereto or are dissatisfied with and/or its services in any way, you must immediately stop using the site and its services.

These Terms may be updated by the admin at any time in its sole discretion. It is your responsibility to retain a copy of these Terms and to check the (modified) date at the top of this page. may provide a translation of the French version of the Terms into other languages. The purpose of any translation of the Terms into another language is solely for ease of access, but the French version governs the terms of your relationship with Furthermore, in the event of a conflict between the French version of the Terms and any translation thereof, the French version shall be referred to first.

Service Description and Content Policy:

This section (Service Description and Content Policy) has important legal consequences and implications for you. This section excludes or limits the legal responsibilities and obligations of; It holds you responsible and obligated; Any rights you may have against an Advertiser under this are limited or excluded. The statements made in this section constitute representations of fact on your part. You must read this data carefully and ensure its accuracy, so that you can no longer disavow or deny the accuracy of this data. Advertiser and/or others may file claims or have other rights against you because of this data. is a platform that allows its users who comply with these conditions to offer shared accommodation, sleeping spaces (bed space) in shared rooms and free accommodation and/or to display their profiles and personal profile photos for the advertisements of their applications for requests for shared accommodation, sleeping spaces (bed space) in shared rooms and free accommodation and other services listed on the site. Although you may pay or carry out any other transaction through the site or its services by other advertisers, is in no way involved in such transactions. Consequently, you accept and acknowledge that is not a party to such transactions and has no control over any of the elements of the transaction between you and other advertisers using the site. To the extent permitted by law, it will not be liable to any party in connection with such transactions. To the extent permitted by law, your use of the website and/or its services is at your own risk and obligations.

You understand that is not responsible for any advertisements, referral information, listings, commercial information or messages between users, including but not limited to email, chat or electronic means of communication, whether via the Site and its services or via Third Party Websites (defined below), offers, comments, user postings, files, images, videos, audio, listings, commercial information, referral information or other materials available via the Website and the Service (the "Content"), and that by using the website and/or its services, you may be exposed to content that is otherwise offensive, indecent, inaccurate, misleading or offensive. To the extent permitted by law, you are responsible for and must evaluate and bear all risks associated with the use of any Content. You may not rely on any such Content, and under no circumstances will be liable for any Content or for any loss or damage of any kind incurred because of browsing, using, or reading any Content or emails included on or otherwise made available through the Service. is not obligated to pre-screen or approve any Content, however, has the right, in its sole discretion, to refuse, cancel, or move any Content that is or may be available through the Service for its violation of these Terms and knowledge of such violation or for any other reason or for no reason at all. In addition, the website and the Content available on it may contain links from other websites ("Third Party Sites"), which are unrelated to If you access such Third-Party Websites, you may be subject to such Third-Party Websites' terms of use and other policies. To the extent permitted by law, makes no representations or warranties as to the accuracy or reliability of any information contained in third party websites, and your access to other websites, to the extent permitted by law, is entirely at your own risk, and disclaims any liability in this regard.


Specifically, you are solely responsible.

You will not express all content that you upload, email messages, or other material made available through the Service. In connection with any such Content posted or transmitted through or communicated from the Service by you, you affirm, represent, warrant and guarantee that:

you own and continue to have the necessary licenses, rights, consents and permissions to use such Content on the Site and/or its Services for the entire duration that the Content is available on the Site and/or its Services (including, without limitation, all rights (patent, trademark, trade secret, copyright and other proprietary rights in and to such Content), and authorize to use such Content to enable it to include and use it in the manner contemplated by the website and/or its services and in accordance with these Terms:

That you have the written consent, release and permission of each person or company identified in the Content to use the name or likeness of each person or company identified to enable inclusion and use of the Content in the manner set forth in the site and/or its services and its Terms. For greater certainty, you retain all of your ownership rights in such content, but by submitting any content to the site and/or its services, you hereby grant a non-revocable, worldwide, perpetual, non-exclusive license that is not subject to commission fees and may sublicense, sublicense and transfer, use, reproduce, distribute, prepare derivative works of, display and perform the Content in connection with the site and/or its services, Classifieds, its partners and affiliates, including, without limitation, for the purpose of promoting and redistributing part or all of the site and/or its services and content contained therein (and derivative works thereof) in any form of media and through any media channels now known or hereafter developed. requests these rights to host and display your Content. Furthermore, by posting Content to any public area of ​​the site and/or its services, you hereby agree and grant to all rights necessary to prevent or permit any further aggregation, display, copying, duplication, reproduction or exploitation of the Content on the site and/or its services by any party and for any purpose in violation of these terms. These rights are permanent and cannot be revoked by you, are valid and may be exercised worldwide. You also hereby grant each user of the website and/or its services a non-exclusive license to access the Content through the website and/or its services (this license excludes data mining and any other potential commercial use). The afore mentioned license granted to each user by you terminates as soon as you or removes or cancels such Content from the site.

The Behaviour:

You agree not to post, email, host, display, upload, modify, publish, transmit, update or share information or otherwise make any content available on the website and/or its services under the conditions below:

1- Violates any local and/or international law or regulation.

2- Is copyrighted, patented, protected by trade secret or trademark, or otherwise subject to third party proprietary rights, including privacy and publicity rights, unless you are the owner of such rights or have permission or license from their true owner to post the content and grant all the license rights granted to you.

3- Infringes any of the afore mentioned intellectual property rights of either party or you do not have a right to make such content available under any law, regulation or contractual or fiduciary relationship.

4- Is harmful, abusive, threatening, harassing, defamatory, obscene, pornographic, paedophilic, libelous, invasive of another's privacy or rights, hateful, racial, ethnic, slanderous, relating to or encouraging money laundering, illegal gambling, or causing or likely to cause harm to minors in any way, or if the content is illegal in any way.

5- Harms, insults, threatens or incites hatred towards an individual or group of individuals based on religion, gender, sexual orientation, race, caste, age or disability.

6- Includes any personal or identifiable information of another person without that person's express consent.

7- Impersonate any person or entity, including, but not limited to, any employee of, or otherwise misrepresent or falsely state an affiliation with a person or entity.

8- Mislead or deceive the recipient as to the origin of such messages or provide information of a grossly offensive, risky or threatening nature or that is false, misleading, deceptive or contains an offer (deceptive advertising), constitutes or contains pyramid schemes, jokes or affiliate marketing or referral code, spam, junk mail, chain letters, tempting or immoral advertising, negative option marketing, referral selling or unsolicited advertising of a commercial nature and constitutes or contains any type of advertising or solicitation if:

A- Posted in areas or categories of the Site and - or its services that are not intended for such purposes or sent by email to users of who have requested not to be contacted about other services, products or commercial interests.

B- Includes links to commercial services or third-party websites, unless expressly authorized by

C- Advertise illegal services or the sale of any item the sale of which is prohibited or prohibited by applicable law, including, but not limited to, the sale of items the sale of which is prohibited or regulated by applicable law.

D- Contains software viruses or other computer codes, files or programs designed to interrupt, destroy or limit the functionality of computer software, hardware, telecommunications equipment or other computer resources.

E- Interrupts the normal flow of a conversation with numerous messages (flooding attacks) to the Service or otherwise affects the ability of other users to use the Service.

F- Uses misleading email addresses, false addresses, or other manipulated identifiers to disguise the origin of content transmitted through the Service.

In addition, you agree not to:

1- Contact any person who has requested not to be contacted and/or make unsolicited contact with any person for commercial purposes and in particular contact any other user to post an advertisement on a third-party application or to post an advertisement on behalf of that user, or stalk or otherwise harass any person.

2- Send defamatory or libelous comments or messages to or against any person.

3- Collect personal data about other users or other entities for commercial or illegal purposes.

4- The use of automated means, including spiders, robots, trackers, hidden data processing tools or the like, to download or scrape data from the Service, except through use in an Internet search engine (e.g. Google) and non-commercial public archives, such as (, which are compatible with our robot.txt files.

5- Post content outside the local area or that is not relevant to the local area, repeatedly post the same or similar content, or otherwise impose large or unreasonable loads on our servers and other infrastructure.

6- Post the same item or service in multiple classifieds or forums or in multiple major cities.

7- Attempt to gain unauthorized access to computer systems owned or controlled by or engage in activities that interrupt or reduce the quality of the service and/or the site or interfere with its performance or limit its functionality.

8- Use any form of automated hardware or computer software (sometimes called tagging tools) that enables the use of a tabbed tagging system or other community control activities without the human initiating the tagging having to manually enter each tag (automated tagging device). ), use any disabling tools to remove competitor and third party postings or remove any posting without a reasonable and good faith belief that such tagged posting violates these Terms and any applicable laws or regulations, or use any automated device or software that enables the automated submission of classifieds postings without complete human intervention or control (automated posting device), including, without limitation, the use of any automated posting device in connection with bulk postings or for the automatic submission of postings at certain times or intervals.

9- Any Content uploaded by you will be subject to applicable laws and may be disabled or subject to review under applicable laws. In addition, if you violate any laws or regulations, these Terms or the Application Privacy Policy, we may terminate your account and prevent you from accessing the site and/or its services and we reserve the right to remove any infringing Content uploaded by you.

Unsolicited Email Policy:

This section (Anti-Spam Policy) has important legal consequences and implications for you. In this section, you assume responsibility. This may result in penalties under applicable laws and/or financial liability to and/or others for additional amounts. You understand and agree that sending unsolicited advertisements by email or other unsolicited means of communication to email addresses or through its computer system is strictly prohibited by these Terms. You acknowledge and agree that may from time-to-time monitor email usage using human monitors or automated software to flag certain words associated with spam or fraudulent messages that are sent from one user to another in the e-mail system. All communications that occur between you and any other user who benefits from the communications features available on the site and/or its services may be used, and any unauthorized use of classified computer systems constitutes a violation of these conditions and certain applicable laws, in particular the legislation on electronic crimes in force in France, Europe and in the world. Such violations may impose civil and criminal penalties and fines on the sender and its agent. Therefore, please note that cybercrime legislation imposes severe penalties, including imprisonment. If you intend to offer incentives or contact our users by obtaining their email addresses or telephone numbers from our online application, we may report this behaviour to the competent authorities who may then decide to prosecute you under the relevant laws of France.

Advertising conditions in the categories of properties for sale and properties for rent on

If you mention a property on this application, your obligations are as follows:

1- Brokers:

A- You must ensure that you have a valid license issued by the relevant government departments or an equivalent in the governorate in which you are advertising.

B- If you are engaging in subletting activities, you must ensure that you have the written consent of the direct right holder and the relevant government departments.

C- If you are involved in short-term rental or holiday home rental, you must ensure that you have a license to carry out this activity from the relevant government department.

D- In accordance with the regulations in force, you are required to obtain the required permits for any rental advertisement.

2- Landlords and Lessors:

A- You warrant that you are the owner-lessor of the property or that you have a valid authorization to include the property in this online application.

B- If you are involved in short-term rental or holiday home rental, you must ensure that you have a license to carry out this activity from the relevant government departments.

3- Tenants:

You warrant that you have valid, written consent from your landlord before advertising in the App and that you are authorized to post such advertising.

Terms for all property advertisers:

1- You may only advertise properties that are currently sublet, shared accommodation or free housing in exchange for services or advertisements for applications for these properties. We reserve the right, at our sole discretion, to remove any contrary publication (advertising fees will not be refunded).

2- You must ensure that the advertisement does not contain any illegal language or use of structures, including:

A- Defamatory, misleading or deceptive statements.

B- Any other language that promotes illegal or immoral activities under the laws of France.

Special provisions concerning roommates and sharing with minors:

Parental Agreement for Shared Accommodation or Housing in Exchange for Services for Minors.

1- Purpose:

The purpose of this paragraph is to define the conditions under which a minor (hereinafter referred to as "the Minor Tenant") may rent a shared accommodation or housing in exchange for services. It stipulates that the Minor Tenant must obtain official parental consent prior to any rental.

2- Scope of application:

This text applies to any rental of shared accommodation or accommodation in exchange for services involving minors, regardless of the type of services provided (cleaning, childcare, assistance to the elderly, etc.).

Parental Agreement:

1- Obligation of Parental Agreement:

Any Minor Tenant must provide official parental consent signed by his or her legal representatives before entering any rental contract for shared accommodation or accommodation in exchange for services.

2- Form of Parental Agreement:

The parental consent must be presented in writing and signed by both parents and the legal representative(s) of the Minor Tenant. It must include the following information:

A- Name and first name of the Minor Tenant.

B- Name and first name of the parents or legal representative(s).

C- Address of the accommodation concerned.

D- Duration of the rental.

E- Nature of the services provided by the Minor Tenant.

F- Explicit consent of the parents or legal representative(s).


3- Validity of the Parental Agreement:

The parental agreement must be dated less than three months from the date of signing the rental agreement. It must be accompanied by a copy of the identity documents of the parents or legal representative(s).


1- Responsibility of the Landlord:

The lessor, owner, Host Family (or the property manager) is required to verify the validity and authenticity of the parental agreement before finalizing any rental agreement with a Minor Tenant.

2- Sanctions:

In the event of non-compliance with this obligation, the lessor may be held liable for the legal and financial consequences related to this negligence.

General Provisions:

1- Classifieds include real estate for sublet shared accommodation or free housing in exchange for services or advertisements of applications for these properties. is not a real estate broker, as the real estate data available on this website and/or its services are placed by brokers, tenants, owners or roommates.

2- does not verify the proprietary data listed and made available to us by third parties and assumes no guarantee or liability for its accuracy and completeness.

3- As a user of this website and/or its services, you must exercise due diligence and not rely solely on the data contained in the advertisements.

4- reserves the right, in case of doubt, to verify the licenses of real estate brokerage companies before allowing them to advertise in this application.

Automated Data Collection:

1- You expressly agree, as a user of the Website and its services, not to use any form of automated data collection such as harvesting robots, indexing robots or scrapers, in addition to using this data.

2- You agree not to use automated data collection methods to obtain mobile phone numbers and email addresses of our users, and you acknowledge that if you contact our users with the aim of attracting them to your company or electronic application without an express license to contact them, you may be prosecuted under the laws in force in France.

Recording of user connections:

Certain advertisers approved by the competent government services who advertise on the site and/or its services may register for a service in which they receive a unique telephone identification number, and the call is automatically recorded for quality and training purposes. By using the site and/or its services, you expressly agree to register your telephone number when contacting an advertiser regarding its advertisements on the site and/or its services and agree not to require any warning or other consent.

Rights and duties of

1- Law regulating communication on the network and combating computer crime: undertakes to comply with all provisions of the afore mentioned French law.

2- Service Description and Content Policy: does not endorse any content or any opinion, statement, recommendation or advice expressed in violation of the Terms and, to the extent permitted by law, expressly disclaims any liability relating to User Content and does not authorize to engage in any activities that infringe the copyright and intellectual property rights on may, in its sole discretion, remove any infringing content, and reserves the right to remove any content without notice, and may also terminate a user's access to the website and/or its services... In addition, reserves the right, in its sole discretion, to decide whether the content is appropriate and complies with these Terms.

3- Featured Listings: offers a service called (Featured Listings), through which users can pay a non-refundable fee to post their listings on selected sites within the site and/or its services, thereby significantly increasing the likelihood of seeing the listings. To purchase a Featured Listing, you may be required to transfer certain information through another service provider, applications (click and pay) or a third-party application that may be subject to their own terms of use and other policies. makes no representations or warranties regarding the security of any information transmitted to a third-party application, and your association with a third-party application is entirely at your own risk, and disclaims any liability in this regard.

4- Paid Postings: may charge a fee for content posted in certain areas of the Service (Paid Content). The fee allows for paid content to be posted in designated areas of the application. Each party posting Paid Content on the Service is responsible for the Content and its compliance with the Terms. Fees paid hereunder are non-refundable if any Content is removed from the Service for violating these Terms. Additional terms for Paid Content will be set forth in full in the applicable Section(s).

All commercial listings that offer multiple flat shares, free housing and roommates in a single listing are cancelled 24 hours after posting and no refunds will be provided. Within 24 hours of posting, the user may edit the multiple job posting and make it a single job posting. If the listing is not edited in a manner that meets the requirements of the classified ad, the listing will be cancelled without any refund.

5- Posting Agents:

As used in these Terms, the term "Posting Agents" means a third-party agent, service or intermediary that offers to post Content to the website and/or its services on behalf of others. prohibits the use of Posting Agents, directly or indirectly, without the express written permission of In addition, Posting Agents are not permitted to post Content on behalf of others directly or indirectly or otherwise access the website and/or its services to post Content on behalf of others, except with the express written permission or license of

6- Access to the Service: grants you a limited, revocable, and non-exclusive license to access and use the website and/or its services for personal use. The license granted under these Terms and Conditions does not include any of the following:

Access to or use of the Service by any Posting Agents or any aggregation, formation, copying, display or use of any derivative work of the Service, or any use of data mining, robots, spiders, or similar data gathering and extraction tools for any purpose whatsoever, except as expressly permitted by or as set forth in these Terms and Conditions. Notwithstanding the foregoing, general purpose Internet search engines and non-commercial public archives collect information for the sole purpose of displaying a hyperlink to the Service, if they each do so via a fixed IP address or combination of IP addresses using a simple proxy. Acknowledge and comply with our robots.txt scripts, you may engage in the activities described above and for purposes of this exclusion, a “general purpose Internet search engine” does not include any web application, search engine or other service that specializes in classifieds. The license in this section allows you to display or hyperlink to your Application and individual Postings on the Service provided that such use is solely for non-commercial, news reporting purposes (e.g., for use in personal blogs or other personal media). may limit the number of Postings displayed or linked to your online application. Use of the Service outside the scope of permitted access set forth in these Terms will immediately terminate any permit or license granted under these Terms. To collect, aggregate, copy, duplicate, display or make derivative use of the Service or any Content available through the Service for any other purpose (including commercial purposes) not set forth in these Terms, you must first obtain a license from

7- Intellectual Property Rights:

The elements of the Website and its services other than User Content are licensed to you under these Terms, including, but not limited to, text, software, text, graphics, images, audio, music, video, interactive features and similar materials (the Elements), trademarks and the service and logos contained therein (the Marks), are owned by or licensed to, and are subject to copyright and other intellectual property rights under French, European and foreign laws and international treaties and agreements. The website and/or its services in connection with these srvices may display specific trademarks of third parties. The use of these trademarks may be subject to a license granted by third parties. Under no circumstances shall you reverse engineer, decompile or disassemble any such content and materials, and nothing in these Terms shall be construed as granting you any rights in connection with such content and materials. The elements of the site and/or its services are provided to you as is for your information and personal use only and may not be used, copied, reproduced, distributed, transmitted, broadcast, displayed, sold, licensed or otherwise exploited for any other purposes without the prior written consent of the respective owners. reserves all rights not expressly granted under these Terms in and to the website and/or its services, and in the content and materials. You agree not to associate with or engage in the use, copying or distribution of any Content and Materials other than as permitted under these Terms, including any use, copying or distribution of third-party Content and Materials obtained through the website and/or its services for any commercial purposes. You further agree not to circumvent, disable or otherwise interfere with security-related features of the Website and - or its services or features that prevent or restrict use or copying of any content and materials or enforce limitations on use of the Website and/or its services or the content and materials contained therein. The content and materials displayed on or through the Site and/or its services are protected by copyright as a collective work and/or compilation pursuant to copyright laws and other local and international laws and treaties. Any reproduction, modification, creation of derivative works from or redistribution of the website and/or its services, the content, materials, collective work or classification is strictly prohibited. Copying or reproducing the Application or Materials or any portion thereof on any server or other location for further copying or redistribution is expressly prohibited.

8- User Submissions:

This section (User Submissions) has important legal consequences and implications for you. This section excludes or limits the legal liabilities and obligations of, any rights you have against will be limited or excluded, and you assume all liability or obligation. You accept that many things can go wrong when using the website and/or its services and/or when viewing and/or using the Content. You assume responsibility for these events that occur, and you are not entitled to make a claim against if they do. When using the website and/or its services, you will be exposed to content from a variety of sources, and to the extent permitted by law, assumes no responsibility for the accuracy, usefulness, safety, or intellectual property rights of such content, and you accept and assume all specific responsibilities related to use. You also understand and acknowledge that you may be exposed to Content that is inaccurate, offensive, indecent, objectionable, defamatory, or libelous and, to the extent permitted by law, and pursuant to Section (Disclaimer of Warranties), you agree to waive and hereby do waive any legal or equitable rights or remedies you may have against in this regard.

9- Indemnification:

This Section (Indemnification) has important legal consequences and implications for you. This section excludes or limits the legal responsibilities and obligations of, all rights you have against hereunder are limited or excluded, and you assume all responsibility or obligation, and you indemnify and others for any obligation or liability. To the extent permitted by law and under section (EXCLUSION OF WARRANTIES), you agree to defend, indemnify and hold harmless and its owners, employees, subsidiaries, affiliates, successors, assigns, directors, officers, agents, service providers, suppliers and employees of its affiliates, from and against any and all claims, damages, liabilities, losses (whether direct, indirect or consequential), liabilities, costs or debts and expenses (including, without limitation, attorneys' fees) arising from:

A- Your breach of any of the provisions of these Terms.

B- Your violation of any third-party right, including, but not limited to, copyright, trademark, trade secret, and other proprietary and privacy rights

Any claim that your content caused injury to another. To the extent permitted by law, the obligation to defend and indemnify will survive any termination, modification, or expiration of these Terms, as well as your use of the website and/or its Services.

10- Transactions with Businesses and Individuals:

This section (Transactions with Businesses and Individuals) has important legal consequences and implications for you. This section excludes or limits the legal responsibilities and obligations of, any rights you have against will be limited or excluded, and you assume all responsibilities or obligations. To the extent permitted by law and in accordance with the section (Disclaimer of Warranties), is not responsible for your interactions with organizations and/or individuals on the site and/or its services. This includes, but is not limited to, payment, subletting, colocation, hosting, provision of services and other terms, conditions, warranties and representations accompanying any interactions you may have with other organizations and/or individuals. These transactions are solely between you and the organizations and/or individuals. To the extent permitted by law and in accordance with Section (EXCLUSION OF WARRANTIES), will not be responsible for any loss or damage of any kind incurred because of any such dealings or interactions. In the event of a dispute with one or more users, to the extent permitted by law and in accordance with Section (Exclusion of Warranties), you hereby release, its owners, officers, employees, agents and successors from any and all claims and damages (actual and consequential) of every kind and nature, whether known or unknown, suspected or unsuspected, disclosed or undisclosed, arising out of or in connection with such dispute and/or the site and/or its services.

11- Limitation and Termination of Service:

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